Eagletac Flip Up Filter & Diffuser

Eagletac Flip Up Filter & Diffuser
1 Review
3.0 Overall rating
hides, Sheffield
19/01/2016My flip up diffuser is OK, it does what it says. My issue is light spills from around the sides which is distracting, this glare really gets in the way. In the end I painted around the edge with matt black paint. Other than that it's 100% plastic and functions fine, makes beam alteration easier.
ET62 II - 62 mm diameter - flip up red filter & flip up diffuser
ET47 II - 47 mm diameter - flip up red filter & flip up diffuser
ET39 II - 39 mm diameter - flip up red filter & flip up diffuser
ET33 II - 33 mm diameter - flip up red filter & flip up diffuser